Saturday, January 30, 2010

Best Tablet Laptop For Teenagers What Is The Best Tablet Laptop To Buy?

What is the best tablet laptop to buy? - best tablet laptop for teenagers

I want to make a new laptop for my birthday 13. I like the LIFEBOOK T Series, but I was wondering if anyone knew another drug well. I would also like to know what is the latest in the series T!

Thank you!


Jillian said...

I am 15 and I have an HP TouchSmart TX2 for my birthday. This laptop is great! It seems really cool, is elegant and slim with a great style for a teenager. It is a bit cheaper than other pills with all the same features and a better way. I got mine at Best, who buy less than 1000, but you can get one of the sites horses and customize. It has 4 GB of RAM, and so that you can do a lot, multitasking and has a large hard disk capacity. I have a lot of my shopping around before buying and this was my favorite. Oh, it's the only tablet with multi-touch functions and has many excellent programs that only HP makes a lot of fun. Good luck ^ ^

Here is a link to some photos and a really cool show.

Jigar said...

There are 2 brand makes its ASUS and Sony. u-models you find this information in U is for better prices. and a wide range of models.

mm said...

I prefer the model of Apple's slim style and process as

for a long life ......... go for DELL / SONY

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